ODU Comprehensive 领导 Program

君主铅 (领导 Exploration And Development)

ODU's 君主铅 Program guides and develops students on their leadership journey at 最靠谱的网赌软件. Students gain leadership competencies from their first year until graduation.

The program consists of three developmental phases: Emerging Leaders, 开发领导, 和君主领导人. The 君主铅 Program utilizes the social change model of leadership and examines the individual, 团体和社区.

Interested in becoming a more effective leader? 马上申请


Participants must complete the following requirements in order to successfully finish the 君主铅 program:

  1. 加入 the 君主铅 program via 君主组​
  2. 完成9 领导力讲座系列 研讨会 & 职位评估
  3. Complete 20 hours of service (服务形式) ​
  4. Engage in a leadership development experience​
  5. 努力发展他人(学员形式)​
  6. Work with a mentor for further self-development (e.g., graduate school, 劳动力, 创业风险, 非营利性的, 和/或地区社会影响; 导师形式)​
  7. Log all activities on co-curricular transcript in 君主组

Student Leaders who successfully complete the requirements will be recognized with a 领导 Stole to be worn for graduation.


社会变革模式 forms the foundational basis of leadership development program as students explore and develop their values, 自我意识, 以及领导哲学.

Kouzes and Posner's five practices underscore leadership development behaviors of Monarch Leaders as noted in the three developmental phases below.

In teaching and facilitating leadership development programs, 我们利用“知道”, 看到, 计划, Do" model for curriculum design and leadership development. We aim to not only to impart theory but also to encourage ongoing practice, 反射, and continuous learning (Allen, 米盖尔, 马丁, 2014; Kolb, 1984; Raelin, 2007).

The Emerging Leaders phase focuses on developing the individual.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • 自我发现
  • 价值澄清
  • 网络 & 团队建设
  • 多样性 & 包容
  • 领导 awareness through service
  • Develop and articulate personal leadership philosophy


  • 自我意识
  • Identify leadership philosophy and area of passion
  • 积极参与校园活动
  • Hold membership in an organization on/off campus

项目 and initiatives in the Emerging Leaders Phase include:

The Emerging Leaders phase is appropriate for students ready to start their leadership development (i.e., typically, first year, second year, or transfer students).

The 开发领导 phase focuses on the group and examines the areas of collaboration, 共同的目的, 有礼貌的争论.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • The Five Practices of the Student leadership Challenge

    • 以身作则
    • 激发共同愿景
    • 挑战过程
    • 让别人行动起来
    • 鼓励心灵
  • 包容 & 社会正义
  • 解决问题 & 解决冲突
  • 伦理领导


  • Identify leadership style of self and others and explore strategies to work effectively with group or team
  • Navigate change within an organization
  • Examine and apply the five practices of the Student 领导 Challenge to navigate change and inclusion within an organization
  • Engage in campus and community leadership experiences

项目 and initiatives in the 开发领导 Phase include:

  • 选择工作坊 领导力讲座系列
  • Monarch Leaders Retreat and Conferences
  • 领导 role within organizations
  • Program mentor for undergraduate student leaders
  • 服务|服务学习

The 开发领导 phase is appropriate for students with leadership/办公室r roles within organizations on/off campus and students mentoring others towards success.

The Monarch Leaders phase focuses on citizenship and provides participants engagement opportunities in the ODU and Norfolk communities.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • 协作和网络
  • 培养其他领导者
  • Creating Change through 公民参与 and 服务-Based 领导
  • 走向你的愿景

项目 and initiatives in the Monarch Leaders Phase involve working with an advisor/mentor towards the student's vision/goals around transition to: graduate school, 劳动力, 创业风险, 非营利性的, 和/或地区社会影响. This could include an internship, actions towards policy that impact change, 格兰特写作, creating and/or working with a 非营利性的 or for-profit organization, and/or steps towards creating a new social change organization.

The Monarch Leaders phase is appropriate for students who:

  • Already attended 自我意识 and group dynamics development 研讨会
  • Held/hold an executive/办公室r position in an organization
  • Facilitate developmental experiences for other students

The Emerging Leaders phase focuses on developing the individual.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • 自我发现
  • 价值澄清
  • 网络 & 团队建设
  • 多样性 & 包容
  • 领导 awareness through service
  • Develop and articulate personal leadership philosophy


  • 自我意识
  • Identify leadership philosophy and area of passion
  • 积极参与校园活动
  • Hold membership in an organization on/off campus

项目 and initiatives in the Emerging Leaders Phase include:

The Emerging Leaders phase is appropriate for students ready to start their leadership development (i.e., typically, first year, second year, or transfer students).

The 开发领导 phase focuses on the group and examines the areas of collaboration, 共同的目的, 有礼貌的争论.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • The Five Practices of the Student leadership Challenge

    • 以身作则
    • 激发共同愿景
    • 挑战过程
    • 让别人行动起来
    • 鼓励心灵
  • 包容 & 社会正义
  • 解决问题 & 解决冲突
  • 伦理领导


  • Identify leadership style of self and others and explore strategies to work effectively with group or team
  • Navigate change within an organization
  • Examine and apply the five practices of the Student 领导 Challenge to navigate change and inclusion within an organization
  • Engage in campus and community leadership experiences

项目 and initiatives in the 开发领导 Phase include:

  • 选择工作坊 领导力讲座系列
  • Monarch Leaders Retreat and Conferences
  • 领导 role within organizations
  • Program mentor for undergraduate student leaders
  • 服务|服务学习

The 开发领导 phase is appropriate for students with leadership/办公室r roles within organizations on/off campus and students mentoring others towards success.

The Monarch Leaders phase focuses on citizenship and provides participants engagement opportunities in the ODU and Norfolk communities.

Topics addressed in this phase include:

  • 协作和网络
  • 培养其他领导者
  • Creating Change through 公民参与 and 服务-Based 领导
  • 走向你的愿景

项目 and initiatives in the Monarch Leaders Phase involve working with an advisor/mentor towards the student's vision/goals around transition to: graduate school, 劳动力, 创业风险, 非营利性的, 和/或地区社会影响. This could include an internship, actions towards policy that impact change, 格兰特写作, creating and/or working with a 非营利性的 or for-profit organization, and/or steps towards creating a new social change organization.

The Monarch Leaders phase is appropriate for students who:

  • Already attended 自我意识 and group dynamics development 研讨会
  • Held/hold an executive/办公室r position in an organization
  • Facilitate developmental experiences for other students